29-02-2024 15:34:57:Connection Successfully Opened : Status OK 29-02-2024 15:34:57:Show A/C Number query SELECT A.SITP_DOUBLEVALUE AS IINLENTH ,A.SITP_LONGVALUE AS IIN,B.SITP_DOUBLEVALUE AS BRLENGTH,C.SITP_DOUBLEVALUE AS SCHLENGTH,D.SITP_DOUBLEVALUE AS ACLENGTH From (select 1 SNO,SITP_DOUBLEVALUE,SITP_LONGVALUE from head.siteparameters where SITP_NAME = 'IIN NUMBER')A, (select 1 SNO,SITP_DOUBLEVALUE from head.siteparameters where SITP_NAME = 'BRANCH CODE')B, (select 1 SNO,SITP_DOUBLEVALUE from head.siteparameters where SITP_NAME = 'SCHEME CODE')C, (select 1 SNO,SITP_DOUBLEVALUE from head.siteparameters where SITP_NAME = 'ACCOUNT NO')D Where A.sno = B.sno AND C.SNO= A.SNO AND D.SNO = A.SNO 29-02-2024 15:34:57:Record Count : 1 29-02-2024 15:34:57:BRLENGTH 3 29-02-2024 15:34:57:ACLENGTH 6 29-02-2024 15:34:57:Branch Code 3